Amazing hotfix



Just like an air press embo machine, a hydraulic press embo machine is also used to give uneven effect to the fabric by pressing it with aluminum design plates with patterns that are attached on the upper and the lower heat plates with high heat.
As the hydraulic press moves upward or downward faster than the air press and its pressing pressure is stronger than that of the air press, it can reduce pressing time and increase productivity.
Also, the hydraulic press machine is free from the deviation problem that occurs frequently whether it is on the left side or the right side.
And as it does not need a compressor, choosing a location for its installation presents no problem.
Not only that, installation of this machine is much simpler and much less installation cost and maintenance expenses are required.
In terms of uniform temperature adjustment and unified 3D effect, this machine is about equal, it allows production of quality products as the range of error between designs is much smaller.

 ∙ Weight : 2.3 Ton
∙ Dimension(W×L×H) : 2,200㎜×2,150㎜×2,150㎜
∙ Material : TEXTILE
∙ Power : 380V - 48Kw
∙ Heater Number : 48 EA
∙ Hydraulic Cylinder : 48 EA
∙ Working Temperature : 120~230℃
∙ Max. Speed : 6,000yds~
∙ Working width : 1,600㎜
∙ Working error range : N=0